TEACH Texarkana TEACH Texarkana TEACH Texarkana TEACH Texarkana TEACH Texarkana

Request Membership in TEACH!

Fill out the form below and click the Continue button at the bottom.

TEACH Texarkana Membership Application Process

  1. Per the TEACH Texarkana Governing Documents, membership is only open to Christian homeschooling families (Bylaws Article IV-4 and Doctrinal Statement). Those of differing Christian denominations are encouraged to participate in all activities provided they do not seek to propagate opposing religious views or cause disunity within the organization (Standing Rules 10).
  1. While filling out the application, please allow enough time to read through our six Governing Documents    (Q #13- near the bottom of the application). By signing your name, you are agreeing to the group guidelines held within those documents.
  1. After the Governing Documents, you will be asked to fill out the Insurance Waiver (Q #14). Please fill that out FIRST (it will open in another window), and then sign the blank to show you completed it. This waiver must be filled out before you are allowed to attend events.
  1. Once the application is completed and submitted, you will be given further instructions, and our Membership Director will contact you.
  1. Annual Membership Dues for TEACH Texarkana are $50. This will be due after your application is approved. *Note: As stated in the Standing Rules document, starting in January, the prorated membership dues amount is $30.


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Classifieds Emails:

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Additional Questions


TEACH Texarkana is a group that operates by volunteers. The sections (#7-9) below list areas of TEACH Texarkana in which we are always looking for volunteers. Please check the areas that interest you.


We have a public Facebook page as well as a public Instagram account. Find us at TEACH Texarkana Homeschool Group & TEACH Texarkana (@teach_texarkana) respectively.

We also have a CLOSED Facebook group for our members. It is called TEACH Texarkana Members Only. If you would like to be accepted into this group, please click on the link or search Facebook for our group's name and request to join! We'd love to have you!

NOTE: Approval in the Facebook group can only be granted once your TEACH Texarkana Membership has been approved and the membership dues paid. Since this is a "closed Facebook group," only current group members may see the membership list. Anyone on Facebook can see the group name, description and admins of the group.


Payment Instructions

To finalize your membership with the TEACH Texarkana group, you may send payment for the prorated $30 dues in one of the following ways:

  • Click the "Pay with PayPal" button and continue with PayPal.  ***You will incur a $1.50 convenience fee using this option
  • Mail a check to PO Box 646, Hooks, TX 75561.
  • OR, Bring cash/check to a meeting or activity and give to a board member.

Once approved, your dues must be paid or postmarked within 2 weeks, or your membership will be temporarily suspended!

Payment Options